As of today, Brody is ONE week old, and while our lives have changes significantly, I can also say they have stayed the same. We still have to dress, feed, play with and love the girls, but now we also have to make time for a baby!
I had forgotten how tiring it is to have a newborn and how much time it takes to care for one. Brody is for the most part a very happy, content baby however, he still requires night time feedings and diaper changes.. and even if he does/did sleep in between them, I had forgotten about the fears of things that "happen in the night" that wakes you up to watch the rise and fall of that precious chest. So, at this point, sleep is at a premium at this house.
My Mom came to town the day after Brody was born and has been a huge help. She has cooked, cleaned, held Brody while I take a shower, dressed and bathed the girls, shopped, etc, etc, etc. Thanks Mom! -
Now, to deal with the impending move! -- So much to do, so little time to do it! I am packing my scrap stuff myself and selfishly making Aaron drag most of it across the country in his truck... I don't trust the movers! So, off to make some progress!