Because if she weren't, I would give her away!
What is it about toddlers? What is it about being 2 that turns sweet babies into monsters? This sweet little girl has been my most terrible toddler yet... She is Dr Jekel and Mr Hyde. Sweet one minute, sour the next. Yesterday she wanted to be my best friend and today she wants to be Daddy's. The biggest problem we have had with Ms. Holly, Queen of all Toddlers, is that she has been having public tantrums. Now, she doesn't typically have these tantrums at home, but take her to a public place, especially a store, and she has an all out, fall on the floor, kick, scream, cry and carry on forever tantrum.
Our first episode was at WM. I let her pick a prize from the toy section, let her walk the store instead of ride, let her touch and look at everything in the craft aisle.. and next thing I know.. She starts crying. Then she throws her paci... I ask her to pick it up and she proceeds to throw herself on the floor and kick and scream. I try and wait it out.. no luck.. 20 minutes later she stands up and acts like nothing happened.. ugh!
The next time, WM... didn't want to ride in the buggy... didn't want to wear shoes... get in the door, same thing.. only this time I picked her up and carried her out the door kicking and screaming the whole way. I am surprised someone didn't call the cops to make sure I wasn't stealing her!
Third time, WM..... had to get a leotard for Hannah... had a cart full of other essentials... BINGO, mutant baby toddler girl busts out all over the store... this time I keep shopping/walking and she crawls behind me carrying on. Ugh.. finally after 20 minutes or so, she is done.
Fourth time, WM.. Hailey was with us. 5 minute break down....
Fifth time, the commissary! - can we say embarrassing? now I don't have to go to WM ever again if I don't want to, but I HAVE to go to the commissary!
and today.. Dollar General... 15 minutes, I pick her up and carry her out screaming and carrying on.................ugh! I swear I don't want to take her anywhere anymore! I want her to turn 3, make this terrible two girl go away!
Other stuff going on.... Hannah lost another tooth! This time she did not swallow it so we were able to put it under the pillow. That toothfairy has some loot! She gave Hannah $5.00! Inflation I guess! Here is my big girl with one less tooth!
ok, and certainly you can never get enough of this guy: