I admit it, I am a slacker! I always mean to post and then forget! I am BUSY!
Lots going on here in the Harwick household!
The girls are busy at school! Hannah is doing fairly well learning to read and Hailey has begun to bring home the dreaded Frye Word lists... ugh! More Mommy work.. drilling... tears, frustration... all in the name of a test score to attempt to raise Alabama state schools from the depths of educational darkness.. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it is going to take a LOT more than a test score to accomplish this, but I will save my unsavory comments about the schools here to myself!
Aaron is plugging away at flight school. He is finishing Instruments and moving onto BWS. And now, the fun part.. He has to make this fandangled mapbook. Why you ask? I personally think they think they have nothing better to do than trace power lines and plot points to make some "craft" project... ugh! Here he is at work:
Brody boy got his first haircut a couple of weeks ago! He is a real boy now! So cute, but tearing up my house all day long as he wanders about babbling away!
Here are some pics of the cute boy(s)! (Daddy got a haircut too!~)
and after: