Well, I knew it would come one day ... having suffered a mundane and boring existence here in the Armpit of America for 2+ years... having lived through: a Redneck Circus, armadillos, fire ants, lovebugs, Wal-Mart, country roads, Boll Weavil monuments, a serious tornado, backwards health care and a school system run BY morons FOR morons... I just settled in and accepted that fabulous lives were for other people! .... but not for long...
I am happy to announce that we are MOVING! - I am so stinkin excited!!!! I was ready to pack up and go the day Aaron got his orders (which is another story altogether - as many of you know we were originally headed to Clarksville, TN, which was exciting.. but now we are headed to Fort Bragg in NC!.. not as exciting, but close to my family).
Our original plan was for the kids and I to stay here in the armpit until the end of the school year. I for one was dreading this for a number of reasons:
1. how fair would it be for Aaron to get to leave the stinky armpit while the kids and I suffer another 4-5 months?!
2. Aaron is leaving in April/May (? - I have selective amnesia here) for Afghanistan (is that spelled correctly?) for a year. As if the move will not be traumatic enogh for the kids; they will also have to deal with Daddy leaving.. not cool!
3. I would be moving with the kids ALONE. Finding a house, organizing a move, unpacking, alone.. no thanks!
So, I started looking for a job in NC. The DODEA had no love for me, but Cumberland County did (as a matter of fact they are in serious need.. if you are an SLP and you need a job look no further and they have pretty good compensation). Just as I paid $40.00 for a duplicate Praxis Score report (seriously, I was mugged.. I paid them over $200.00 in testing fees almost 10 years ago and because I lost my copy of the scores they charged me $40.00 for a new report.. what?).. anyway, just as I shelled out my $40.00, the DODEA calls me and wants to do an interview! - It went swimmingly and they offered me the job! Now, I am pretty sure my current principal hates me because I am leaving, but I for one am ready to go!
Now begins the work.. we have to find somewhere to move, clean up this house, organize the move, get this house on the market, clean, clean (did I mention clean?) and pack and get ready to go.. and the days are running by faster and faster... help!
Which reminds me, I have laundry to tend to...
but I want to leave you with a quick view of two of the things I WILL NOT miss here in Enterprise, AL:
(and you are no longer wondering why they call them LOVEBUGS, are you?)
Will be back soon to share some of our January adventures with you, but I wanted to make sure to share the news!