Yep, that is right..
100 Days (of what you ask?)
Yay! - We are over half way through the year! (quite honestly I am impressed that the people at the girls' school can even count to 100.. but alas they can!) -
We had a lot of fun getting ready for the big event! I made Hailey a 100 Days tee-shirt and "we" (translation, I was up until 12am finishing it) made this adorable butterfly mobile... with.. are you ready... 100 butterflies! yep! - I think it turned out pretty cute!
a full shot...........
and a picture of Hailey holding it with her 100 Days shirt on...
So, in other news... our time here in the armpit is winding down.. The packers are coming on February 17 and 18 and they are packing the truck on the 19th! We were worried about not having a roof over our heads once we got there but that all worked out too! We found a swanky house about 9 miles from the school where I will be working.. karma... that's all I am saying!
More on the move and all that jazz later!