Today, the postman brought me sweetness and joy in a Flat Rate Priority box... wondering what it is?
This beautiful kit from My Scrapbook Nook!
Isn't it lovely? so bright, so colorful, it screams SUMMER! right?
This kit features Lily Bee, American Crafts, Pink Paislee, Maya Roads, Jenni Bowlin and the most bright, fun collection of buttons and pins I have ever seen!
I literally cannot wait to sit down and scrap with it!
Now, not only is this kit beautiful (and calling your name), it is a steal of a deal for $28.00 (retail $36.00)!
Do you want one? (heck yeah!)
Well, getting one is easy (and there is a deal to boot)... become an annual home shopping club member at My Scrapbook Nook today and receive the JUNE kit for free! - Then at the end of your membership, you will receive another kit (13th) for free! It is like the baker's dozen of scrapbooking, only better, because it will not make you fat! (only more creative).
So, long story short, you sign up for a year membership, get the June kit for free, get 12 more beautiful kits at $28.00 (retail value always more than you pay) and then get your 13th kit for free! - Yep, two free kits! 14 months of creative inspiration for the price of 12... It is a great deal!
If you decide to join, let Pam and Leah know I sent you.... (I like good deals too!)
I will return to post some of my finished projects soon!