I wasn't going to pick a word this year - I consider myself a total failure at accomplishing/living out the spirt of last year's word - so I surrendered; however, I recently read a blog (excuse my poor memory b/c I cannot remember which one it was) where the author was talking about their word choosing them... so I started thinking, and I noticed that there was a definite trend in weaving its way through my goals for 2012 ... and that is when I realized that my word had choosen me too... it was starring me right in the eye... begging me to choose it, love it, embrace it and most of all.... live it! And that word was: (this is a snazzie logo I found on the internet through a google search - still couldn't figure out who it really belonged too - I should add that to my list of reductions - reduce internet miscrediting.. or lack thereof - if this logo should be yours - please let me know!)
Reduce, according to Dictionary. com means:
I think most of my plans include #1..........
To reduce the number on the scale (while increasing the numbers of miles tracked on my eliptical)
(and yes, those are the display photos still in that cute frame that my babysitter gave me for Christmas... can you add "reduce procrastination" to my list?)
To reduce the amount of my spending...... and debt.... thus INCREASING our capital!
and one more - To reduce stress... this may require reducing the daily routine (not sure how that works with four children and an absentee spouse, but we will try!)
(again, not sure where this image came from, it was on my drive from something else, sorry!)
So, has a word choosen you? Be vigilant and your word just might smack you upside the head! - Mine did!