Goodbye 2011; Hello 2012!
Where did the year go? 2011 is a blur. We started the year with cold hands and warm hearts and ended it with warm hands and lots of great memories.
Here are the highlights from our year in photos:
January 2011 - Brody's "cool man" handshake. This handshake took on various forms from a fist pump/explosion to an elbow bump/high five. The "cool man" handshake continues to evolve to this very day!
February 2011 - Celebrated Grandma's Birthday and Valentine's Day, complete with homemade Valentines!
March, 2011 - We celebrated the Luck of the Irish and visited Virginia Beach where we cheered Uncle Brian through his first full marathon finish!
In April, 2011 - my Holly turned 7, the girls played soccer for Fayetteville Soccer Club and we had a visit from the Easter bunny!
May, 2011 - We busted out the boat and had some fun in the warm Spring air! Brody "graduated" from Preschool and we made our yearly pilgrimage to the strawberry picking farm - this year we tried to make freezer jam - not so tasty - next year we will make the real stuff!
In June we got out of school! and got busy having fun. We visited Disneyworld, Sea World, Discovery Cove and Grandma's house in Fort Meyers - and then
July, August, September, October, November and December still to come! (Typepad is hating my photo heavy post and has stopped cooperating!)
What will 2012 bring? I do not know, but I am excited to find out! I am hoping for a little snow to round out the seasons, a smooth school year finish, a relaxing week at the Outer Banks, a restful summer, Aaron's safe return from Afghanistan, a wild trip to Disney and another healthy happy holiday season... not too much to ask, right?